
Friday, January 20, 2017

An update on life - Emma is 20 months!

Emma is 20 months old today! Ever since we brought her home from the hospital, time is passing way too quickly! Life has been crazy busy. I started my tax season job again, so now Mickey and I are both working and I also started business as a Norwex consultant at the end of 2016. We are working hard to try to pay off bills, student loan debt (it's crazy to believe we've only been college grads for 2.5 years), and get ourselves into a better place financially, especially because of all the unknowns with Emma's health. We are also busy keeping up with Emma and all of her medical needs, as well as just regular toddler stuff! So life is a little crazy, but we manage. We end up playing tag team a lot with Emma, passing her off in between jobs. But at the end of the day, we always make a point of spending some family time together. Because we are in a busy season, we don't have as much time to post updates, but we will do so when we can. :)

Emma continues to catch up to her milestones and we have been so impressed with her progress!
She loves to paint and color, play with her Little People, put puzzles together, tell us all of the farm animal names/sounds, play with her little kitchen, read books, hug and feed her babies, and play with her kitty and her grandparents doggies! She can stand on her own for a few seconds without holding onto anything, she can walk with help as she says "step step step!", she also likes to push her walker or car around, and she starting to climb!

We've been struggling with nutrition some lately, but we can almost always find something that she will eat, and she's still nursing. This week marks one year of nursing, which is a huge accomplishment! We are working more and more on teaching her to drink from a cup, and we haven't gotten very far yet. But we discovered that she does prefer a glass drinking cup - especially if it's the one we are drinking from! ;)

All in all, Emma has been doing really well, and we are so thankful that she is alive and thriving! A year ago we were getting ready to move home from the Ronald McDonald house in Seattle. Even though 2016 was pretty crazy and involved several more moves, we never ended up back in the hospital for an inpatient stay, which is truly amazing for the first year post transplant!

We are so grateful for our amazing family, friends, and facebook family who continue to show us so much love and support and most importantly pray for us and the health of our sweet girl!

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