
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas 2016

This was Emma's second Christmas, but it was her first Christmas at home, and her first Christmas old enough and healthy enough to enjoy opening presents! We had a magical day celebrating the birth of our Savior, but also being filled with so much gratitude and joy for Emma's life as we watched her unwrap her gifts and enjoy the day! She almost didn't make it this far. We were so close to losing her, and yet God had a different plan. Her special heart came just in time, and she made it through an incredibly risky surgery and difficult recovery. We are just so thankful to be celebrating another holiday with our little miracle!
Feeding her baby!

When Emma finally woke up around 10am, she was SO excited to see her "new to us" play kitchen!! We were so excited to get it for her when we found it this summer, and it's been hard to keep it a surprise all this time! But it was definitely worth it. She's been busy playing with it every chance she gets! She also got so many other sweet gifts from family and friends! It's been a difficult year especially financially, but we have been so blessed and are so thankful for all those who have loved on our baby girl!

We even got to spend part of Christmas with Emma's little cousin and other relatives!

And after all of the excitement Emma fell right to sleep for a Christmas afternoon nap!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!

1 comment:

  1. The joy and delight of the children is what makes Christmas such a treasured and cherished time of gathering with love. All because of a baby named Jesus.
