Happy 1st Heart Day Emma!
You are such a beautiful, strong little fighter and your life is such a miracle! There were so many times that we thought you'd never leave the hospital. But after multiple open heart surgeries, caths, cardiac arrests, strokes, chylothorax, struggling kidneys and feeding issues...and a half of a heart that just couldn't keep going...You have a whole heart now! You're alive. You're home. You have normal oxygen levels. You don't turn blue when you cry. You're an 18 month old who loves life. You've learned how to nurse and eat. You love music. You love Minnie Mouse, You love animals. You're talking. You're learning how to stand. And soon you'll be walking! We Praise God for all of the answered prayers, and for revealing Himself so clearly in your life.
That third week of October last year, we were preparing to say goodbye to you. The doctors didn't think you would survive much longer and there was nothing else they could do for you. So many issues would come up during rounds, and they would try to address things and make adjustments to meds, but at the end of the meeting, it always came down to the fact that your heart was giving out and you just desperately needed a new one. It felt like my heart was breaking into a million pieces. Your daddy had to go to a military training. So I was there by myself being told by doctors to start preparing to say goodbye, because if a heart didn't come soon, you weren't going to make it. I don't even know how to describe how completely broken and helpless I felt. I cried and prayed more than I ever have. I just wanted you to be okay. I tried to hold you as much as I could. I didn't want to get up from that chair at all, because I knew they were going to sedate you and I wasn't going to be allowed to hold you soon. I tried to hold onto every ounce of hope that I could, but things were getting desperate and you were miserable. Your daddy flew back right away when he heard the news from the doctor. I was so glad when he came back, so we could all be there as a family. They waited as long as they could to intubate you, because your little body was so sensitive to every little thing, that they weren't even sure you'd survive the intubation without going into cardiac arrest. They also told us that once you were intubated, you would stay that way until you either got a heart or were taking your last breaths.
It looked like those days would be your last. But we didn't know, the doctors didn't know, nobody knew whether or not there would be a new heart for you. Only God knew what the future held.
There was a family out there somewhere, who suffered a tragic loss, and chose to donate their childs organs and give other children a chance at life. Even though that heart came from so far away, they gave you a chance. Your doctors made a really difficult decision to give you that heart, knowing it might not work.
I'm so incredibly grateful for the many answered prayers and miracles in your life that kept you alive long enough to get your new heart and get you through that surgery and recovery.
I'm so grateful for the doctors and medical team that worked so hard to keep you alive and then took a chance on you by accepting that heart for you.
and I'm forever grateful for your donor family who chose to give the gift of life, so that other families wouldn't have to go through the loss of a child like their family was going through.
Your life is a miracle, baby girl. You are such an amazing, strong little warrior and your dad and I are so proud of you. As challenging and frustrating as your strong will can be at times, I love it. Because that strength helped keep you alive, and I know you're going to need that strength for the rest of your life. I love you so much sweet girl, and can't wait to celebrate many more heart days with you!
Love, Mommy